1:All the Wallpapers and Pictures are for personal use only, the copyright belong to their respectives creators.
All the Wallpapers and Pictures are collected from the search engines or free resources.
We just share with no comercial purpose. Don´t use them for comercial purpose, share and enjoy.
2:All logos, vector logos, and artworks provided and downloaded from this site are registered trademark, copyrighted and belong to their respective owners. Users may freely use and must responsible for their own use of the logos, graphics and artworks. All free logos and artworks provided here are NOT for sale or resale.
All the Wallpapers and Pictures are collected from the search engines or free resources.
We just share with no comercial purpose. Don´t use them for comercial purpose, share and enjoy.
2:All logos, vector logos, and artworks provided and downloaded from this site are registered trademark, copyrighted and belong to their respective owners. Users may freely use and must responsible for their own use of the logos, graphics and artworks. All free logos and artworks provided here are NOT for sale or resale.
If the copyright of any wallpaper or stock photo belongs to you and you want to remove it Contact Us and we will remove it!
Our email is:onlinework18@live.com